Get On The

Road to Growth 


Free training provided on the 4th Monday of each month during the 2022 calendar year.

Here are the links for all the recordings of the previous trainings.  If you need access to the live sessions, please let David know. I’d post it here but I’m not sure they want us to 



Full session for January


Only 30 minute recording. Everything is recapped during the March session.


Contains recap for February


Full session for April


Recording is is two parts due to a non-recorded breakout session.


Full Session for June

Attend Live Session

Live on the 4th Monday of each month in 2022

Join us at noon. Free to all active BNI members in the SF Bay region.

Upcoming Dates

June 27th, 2022
July 25th, 2022
August 22nd, 2022
September 26th, 2022
October 24th, 2022
November 28th, 2022

December 19th, 2022 *THIRD Monday of the Month​*

Zoom Link

Please do not share this link with non-BNI members.

Action Items Due by June 27th

1. Complete MAY sections of your Top 10 Referral Sources Worksheets.
2. Print 10 copies, attach, and complete the How To Promote worksheets for your top 10 sources.
3. Print and complete the How To Promote ME worksheet (10 mins).
4. Print 10 copies, attach, and complete The 5 Steos worksheet per Top 10.
5. Download and begin using your Networking Scorecard. IMPORTANT!
6. Create your Gratitude Ritual & buy cards/gifts as you live life.
7. Schedule out two 1-2-1s per week, same day and time in your calendar for the year!
8. Pick ONE of the 6 Proactive referral techniques for each week until June 27th! Remember, you can “bundle” them!



Zip file containing all the Files in one download

Unzip on your computer.

Zoom Link

Please do not share this link with non-BNI members.